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Webcamed TrollsWant to be on the multicam Trolls page ? Just list your login and url of webcam image down there, with your login, url of image, type of webcam, and location:
out of order mesk - - deceased cannon - Madrid, ES (this multicam (multicam.php) page is a simple tiki hack. It read the content of the table above from the wiki content. Read the source on ) Script~mose:: Here is the source I use to update my webcam image, it saves images in a dir, with one subdir per day, to store funny accelerated requires vgrabbj installed #!/bin/sh # v2 by mose ARCHI="./archi-shoots" FONT="/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf" TARGET="" COPYCOMMAND="scp -qp" SHOOT="vgrabbj -i sif -f shoot.jpg -T 10 -q 50 -m 40 -P 2 -e -t $FONT" DEFAULTOFTEN="30" echo " : auto-shooter script. Type ctrl-c to stop it." echo echo -n "Do you want to copy shoots to $TARGET ? [Y/n] " read COPY if [ -z "$COPY" -o "$COPY" == "y" -o "$COPY" == "Y" ]; then C="ok" else C="no" fi echo -n "Do you want to save shoots in $ARCHI ? [Y/n] " read SAVE if [ -z "$SAVE" -o "$SAVE" == "y" -o "$SAVE" == "Y" ]; then S="ok" else S="no" fi echo -n "How long beetween each shoot (in seconds) ? [30] " read OFTEN if [ -z "$OFTEN" ]; then OFTEN=$DEFAULTOFTEN fi echo if [ "S" = "ok" -a ! -d "$ARCHI" ]; then mkdir "$ARCHI" fi while (true); do if [ ! -d "$ARCHI/$D" ]; then mkdir "$ARCHI/$D" fi $SHOOT 2&> /dev/null H=`date +%H-%M-%S` D=`date +%F` echo -n "shoot : $D/$H " if [ $C = "ok" ]; then $COPYCOMMAND shoot.jpg $TARGET && echo -n "(copied) " fi if [ $S = "ok" ]; then mv shoot.jpg $ARCHI/$D/$H.jpg && echo -n "(saved) " fi echo sleep $OFTEN done Just launch it in a console and ctrl-c to stop it. Make a movie#!/bin/sh mencoder "mf://*.jpg" -mf fps=6 -o output.avi -ovc divx4
Contributors to this page: amette
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