TrollParty::Caracas (v4)

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Travelling trolls

People listed can go to Caracas and they have something to do there during the trollparty.

Tom Bouillut : ~tom
  • paris, fr
  • spanish : 1/5
  • Coding, Multimedia production, journalism, geek toys

Mose : ~mose
  • paris, fr
  • spanish : 1/5
  • Coding, Collaborative tools, communication, software authoring, communities

Erwan Lerale : ~r1
  • Paris, fr
  • spanish : 1/5
  • Network engineering, music production, coding and bad puns

Djamel Kadi : ~djamel?
  • Paris, fr
  • spanish : 4/5
  • Technical support, music engineer, multilingual and verbose

Marc Laporte : ~marclaporte
  • Montréal, Ca
  • spanish : 3/5
  • Communication and human networks, web management, politics and governance

Jason Diceman : ~jasondiceman
  • Toronto, Ca
  • spanish : 0/5 - but I want to learn
  • Dotmocracy decision-making facilitator, collaborative tools

Luis Fagundes : ~lfagundes
  • Brasil
  • spanish : 4/5
  • Social networks, coding, colaborative learning

Josef Davies Coates : ~jdaviescoates
  • London, UK
  • spanish : 3/5
  • cybrarian, environementalism, social networks

Tatiana de la O : ~acracia
  • Barcelona, es
  • Spanish : 5/5
  • video encoding editing and streaming, pd, mapping, OSC, php, pure data

Nicolas Dimitrijevic : ~nicod
  • Marseille, fr
  • spanish : 1/5
  • system administration, coding

Diego Duchowney : ~di3
  • Madrid, es
  • Spanish : 5/5
  • system administration, training and support

Daniel Vazquez: ~iokese
  • Madrid, es
  • spanish : 5/5
  • firewall/QoS, wireless and social networks, icecast2, videostream

Julia Anaya : ~dankajh
  • Madrid, es
  • Spanish : 5/5
  • system administration, software developement, support

Valentina Messeri : ~Vale?
  • Barcelona, es
  • spanish : 5/5
  • videomaking, encoding, post-production, videostreaming, icecast2

Meskalito : ~Meskalito
  • Madrid, Spain
  • spanish : 5/5
  • Social Networks, technical support, Technopagan Mc;)

total 15 trolls


Valentin Lacambre : ~altern
  • Paris, fr
  • spanish : ?/5
  • independant media, networks and services

Gabriela Rodriguez: ~gaba
  • San Francisco, usa
  • Spanish : 5/5
  • independant media, community, tech support, coding, wi-fi, voip

Jose Parrella:
  • Caracas, Venezuela
  • Spanish : 5/5
  • System admin at SAPI, free software activist

and maybe (to be confirmed)

Shelley Cavaness :~shelley
  • paris,fr
  • spanish : 3/5
  • troll nursing
  • BA in recording /performing arts

Teresa Teran : ~teresa?
  • London, UK
  • spanish : 5/5
  • artist film-maker

Noosphere Party

The event lasts actualy much longer than it seems. The whole preparation last 2 month and is an intense noospheric activity, with some people involved that don't necessarily be available for physical travel.

Eric Harris Braun :
  • USA
  • coding, communities, openmoney

Loic Monthorin :
  • Paris, fr
  • telephony systems, coding

Alexander Mette : ~amette
  • Germany
  • Knowledge Engineering, system analysis, community life, coding

Tom Salfield : ~salfield?
  • London, UK
  • spanish : ehm...can learn quickly :)
  • scripting, social entreprise & cooperatives, organisational governance progressive economics, creating new money

Adolfo Antón Bravo: ~adolflow
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Spanish : 5/5
  • cooperativism, social economy, independant media, community, w3, accessibility, social networks

alejo duque: ~dspstv
  • Medellín, Colombia
  • Español : 5/5 :P
  • redes libres, WIFI+GPS+OSC>>REALTIME MAPPING, stream bridge btwn .co<->.ve and lzwr

Jean-François Noubel : ~jf
  • Aix, fr
  • collective intelligence, openmoney

Christophe Beveraggi:
  • Auch, fr
  • coding, geographic systems

El Olgnume : ~olgnume
  • Noosphere
  • Trolls ethnolgy and studies about freedom.

Elsa Spets :
  • paris,fr
  • student

Oliver Sylvester-Bradley : ~olisb?
  • London, UK
  • spanish : 0.01/5
  • solarmarketeer, environementalism, open democratic networks

Subscribed on Caracas Mailing-list

Alejo, adolflow, Valentina, Diego, gaba, tom Salfield, ricardo, teresa, mastre, karinna, amette, mexicano, tomb, sandra, beatriz, jose, tati, julia, juan carlos, luis, pescao, djamel, josef, nicod, meskalito, perez, ondas, jason, marc, eduardo, shelley, elsa, alex, criscabello, hina, loic.

note: this list is moving a lot, information is partial and uncorrect, please do not read it, or if you do forget it just after (please). --~mose

Contributors to this page: mose , jasondiceman , vale , adolflow , dspstv , lfagundes and salfield .
Page last modified on Tuesday 10 January, 2006 [13:55:45 UTC] by mose.

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