TrollParty::Caracas (v4)

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How irc is used in trollparties ?
en > Story

Join the Irc dwellers

As all trolls from all ages, we live in caves. But we are trolls of the noosphere and our caves are named "irc channels". They are dark places with a lot of voices whispering and shouting, carrying around the noise of the minds.

For the Caracas trollparty we use the main trollparty channel

You can follow the logs on the web (if you just pop in, and want to see what was said just before you enter the cave). You can display xxx lines (up to 1500) if you input --xxx in the concealed box that is at the right of the source tab, and type enter.

If you are lost on IRC, what is it and how to join, you can read the tikiwiki page about it (and just change instruction about the channel) :

On #trollparty channel, there is a permanent bot, named H0ney. It's a feminine personna, running a custom supybot, and she answers to certain types of questions :

The Obvious Things That We Don't Need To Talk About

Contributors to this page: mose .
Page last modified on Thursday 01 December, 2005 [23:30:33 UTC] by mose.

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