TrollParty::Caracas (v4)

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Short History

Alexander Main, who works for Venezuelan Government, has been following the Free Software story for the past year and heard about Trollparties during several visits with tom and mose in Paris.

After explaining the concept to Dr. Eduardo Samán, Director of Venezuela's Servicio Autónomo de la Propiedad Intelectual (SAPI), Alexander convinced him that a Trollparty in Caracas would be a great idea. This was possible because because Dr Samán is a fierce evangelist for Free Software, and a friend of RMS, who he plans to invite to Caracas during the WSF.

Alexender suggested that the Caracas Trollparty could take place during World Social Forum 2006 that takes places 24th - 27th january in Caracas, but also in Bamako and other places.


  • this trollparty is highly international, but also definately spanish-speaking. Spanish talkers will be preferred for travelling there.
  • There is 3 major topics at the moment :
    • recycling and citizen ownership of the information age
    • governance and decision-making : exploration and practices
    • media and free software : music and video processing

    Anything relevant linked to these topics is welcome.
    Anything not linked to these topics but motivating many people among us can be added to the list.
  • Obviously due to the network that gathers us, Tikiwiki will have a natural place in our context, without even having to talk about it.
  • the trollparty is based on a gift deal. This spirit has to be clear and positive in all minds.

Modus operandi

  • there is no organisation (in the traditional meaning of this word)
  • then, we need to follow the natural flows of the human relationships
  • anyone can participate to the trollparty in its noospheric version.
  • for getting into the travelling group, some consistency can be required in regard of the context


Here is the mail Alexender sent us this monday (translated from french)
  • SAPI will manage registration of an activity with WSF, where trolls can participate. The activity will be based on a sortof recycling fiesta, for 2 or 3 days. The idea is to setup a workshop in an area in Caracas where people can bring old computers or parts for recycling on site. Venezuelan government would provide computer parts and hardware required. All revived computers will be setup with a free software environment.

Now here is a first list of questions:
  • The new users of Free Software will be trained on site or do we need to setup a specific workshop ?
  • What hardware and equipment do we need to get ?
  • what is the estimated number of trolls ?
  • For the setup, 2 or 3 trolls can be there a little before ? Saman proposes to begin the first week of january, is it too early ?
  • What is the list of people expected ? (we need at least some spânish speaking people)
  • For the content of the activity, do you have some ideas ? democracy tools ? The best id to identify trolls that can have some link to the WSF, and wish to bring something in that context. We also need to think we need people with teaching skills and that can speak about Free Software philosophy and practices (and in spanish as far as possible). Btw, RMS will probably be invited by the SAPI to the WSF

The following of the story is on the

Contributors to this page: mose , tom and jdaviescoates .
Page last modified on Tuesday 29 November, 2005 [00:24:45 UTC] by mose.

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